About me
I’m an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam in the Quantitative Economics section. I received my PhD in Statistics from Center for research in economics and statistics (CREST), Paris in December 2021: here are the manuscript and the slides.
I was supervised by Guillaume Lecué.
I have a strong background in high-dimensional geometry and robust machine learning. Having earned a Ph.D. in this field, my expertise lies in navigating the intricacies of statistical and computational complexities in high-dimensional tasks.
Over the years, I have transitioned from primarily theoretical work to exploring more concrete applications in the realm of economics. I have for instance studied the performance of standard estimators in non-IID settings with two-way fixed effects for trade data, and I have done work on measuring and understanding the role of search frictions in international trade. In these works I try to understand how to characterize the inherent "complexity" of a problem or a model.
With an interest in both theoretical and applied research, I continue to explore the intersection of Machine Learning, statistics, computation, and economics.
Work in progress
- Depersin Jules, Gaubert Stéphane, Joswig Michael (2017). A tropical isoperimetric inequality. Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics.
- 08/2021: Talk on Robustness of the Stahel-Donoho estimator at Journées MAS.
- 02/2020: Talk on Robust and Fast Estimation for Heavy-Tailed Distributions at Stat-ML-Eco Seminar at CREST.
I've had and will have the pleasure of assisting in teaching several courses, here are some.
- Programming and numerical analysis - University of Amsterdam
- Reinforcement Learning - University of Amsterdam with Yi He
- Théorie des processus (Martingales and Markov Chains) - ENSAE Paris with Nicolas Chopin
- Advanced machine learning - ENSAE Paris with Vianney Perchet
- Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning - ENSAE Paris with Vianney Perchet
- Théorie des processus (Martingales and Markov Chains) - ENSAE Paris with Nicolas Chopin
- Advanced machine learning - ENSAE Paris with Vianney Perchet
- Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning - ENSAE Paris with Vianney Perchet
- Théorie des processus (Martingales and Markov Chains) - ENSAE Paris with Nicolas Chopin
- Advanced machine learning - ENSAE Paris with Vianney Perchet
- Théorie des processus (Martingales and Markov Chains) - ENSAE Paris with Pierre Alquier
- Probability Theory - ENSAE Paris with Sandie Souchet
- Numerical analysis - ENSAE Paris :
In 2019, 2020 and 2021, I've entirely held (lectures+ tutorials) a crash course on basic statistics, differential equations, optimization and Machine Learning for students joining ENSAE with a background in economics. Download the lecture notes or see the page of the course.
I supervised some students' Applied Statistics Projects with Nicolas Schreuder.
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, ENSAE and University Paris Saclay [2018-2021]
- M.Sc. in Statistics & Data analysis, ENSAE, Paris [2017]
- Engeneering degree, Ecole Polytechnique [2016]
Coordinations of courses
I have been teaching coordinator in Statistics at ENSAE Paris, among other things responsible for the organisation of Applied Statistics Project for students (finding supervisors and subjects, checking on students, organising the final presentations' schedule) with my colleague Fabien Perez.